Monday, April 6, 2020

3D Fusion Initial Model and Model with Materials

Below are images of the 3D fusion model that I designed of my initials, CTA. Something I learnt and used are the shell and loft features within the program.

Below are the models of my initials where different materials of Blue, polished glass and Satin Nickel;

Paper Folding and Models with Iterations

Below are photos of the paper folding techniques I learnt:

Below are images of my different models that I made iterations and changes to. 

For this model I scaled down the walls to half the original scale;

This was the trial model for the iterations to my room. Firstly, is the brainstorming and template I made to create this model. After brainstorming and then into the execution, I trialed different window shapes and scales and also roof lines. Finally, I played with the lighting to let in patterns;

This was the final iteration of my room that included the different window shape and also my bed along with a feature wall that I learnt from my folding techniques above. I also adjusted the lighting in these photos to see how it interacts with the space within;